Christina Watts Christina Watts

Gretton Parish Council Parking Guidelines

Gretton Parish Council is dedicated to maintaining safety and convenience for all residents and visitors by promoting considerate parking practices. We encourage drivers to park close to the kerb, ensure enough space for other vehicles, and use designated spaces. It is important to avoid parking on double yellow lines, blocking access points, or obstructing pavements. UK law prohibits causing obstruction on highways, with penalties including fines and points on driving licenses. Adhering to these guidelines helps keep Gretton safe and accessible for everyone.

To view the advice in full click here.

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Christina Watts Christina Watts

Family Fun Day 2025

Friends of Gretton Recreation Ground

Ideas and assistance wanted!!

The group would be delighted to hear your thoughts on the format and events you would like to see at this year's Fun Day.

Sports and Games

Village stalls

Food and Drink

Children's activities

What else would like to see or take part in?

We would love to see you at our meeting on Thursday 13th February at 7.00pm at the Sports Pavilion and let us hear your views and ideas or email

This is a village event thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attends and we ask for your support and contributions of ideas and assistance to keep the event running.

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Christina Watts Christina Watts

Community Orchard

Orchard planting dates:

Saturdays 8th Feb and 15th Feb for planting the hedge and fruit trees. Again, I suggest between 10am and 2pm. We might need to continue planting in March and will arrange a date once we know the situation.

To help spread the word and enable quick and easy communication, if you use Facebook, please consider joining the Gretton Nature Recovery group, this is a private group for everyone in Gretton wishing to be involved.

If you have a chance to tell others who might be interested in being involved, that would be great. No need to let us know if you can help on these orchard dates, just come along with the family and friends, the more the merrier!

If you would like to contact me or have any questions, please email me:

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Christina Watts Christina Watts

Gretton Brook Road Pollution

A meeting was held on the 17th January at Gretton Village Hall to discuss the situation with the Pollution on Gretton Brook Road with representation from Gretton Parish Council, the Environment Agency and Lee Barron’s Office. Details of the meeting and a pollution report are available in the Latest News Section of our website.

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Christina Watts Christina Watts


It's coming to that time of year when our thoughts are turning to gardening.

Gretton has an allotment site for village residents and it is likely that some plots will become available shortly, ( which we will be able to confirm within the next 2 weeks).

If you are interested in having a plot, or part of one please contact Steven Gray

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