Community Orchard
Wishing you all a very happy New Year, hopefully one in which the Community Orchard will come to life. I thought it might be a good idea to share an update and the planned workdays for the orchard again.
We have a team of volunteers booked in to attend the tree planting workshop and to collect our trees, guards and the posts at the end of the month. Thank you to those involved.
Orchard preparation dates:
We still plan, weather permitting, to have the orchard mown before the weekend of January 11th/12th, please could you check diaries to see if you might be able to help in raking and clearing the mowings. I plan to be there both days, again weather permitting, any help on either day would be great. I suggest any time between 10am and 2pm. If the weather is not playing ball, then I would suggest we move the clearing to the following weekend 18th/19th. I have been told that after it has been cut there will be little to clear, so hopefully not an onerous task and at least it will give a chance to have a look at the site together and plan!
Orchard planting dates:
Saturdays 8th Feb and 15th Feb for planting the hedge and fruit trees. Again, I suggest between 10am and 2pm. We might need to continue planting in March and will arrange a date once we know the situation.
To help spread the word and enable quick and easy communication, if you use Facebook, please consider joining the Gretton Nature Recovery group, this is a private group for everyone in Gretton wishing to be involved.
If you have a chance to tell others who might be interested in being involved, that would be great. No need to let us know if you can help on these orchard dates, just come along with the family and friends, the more the merrier!
If you would like to contact me or have any questions, please email me:
Still looking forward to getting started,
Doug Hall