Gretton Parish Council are currently reviewing the website content, please contact for our latest documents
Gretton Parish Council are currently reviewing the website content, please contact for our latest documents 〰️

Neighbourhood plan.
When we all went to the polls in May, as well as voting for Parish and Local Councils we were also asked to vote yes or no for the Neighbourhood Plan, with 540 people voting yes, the plan is now “made”, this means it has become a legally binding document.
Here is the link to the plan for you to have a look through at your leisure
I think the first question to answer is ‘What exactly is the Neighbourhood Plan?’
Simply put the Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document that North Northants Council will use to help decide planning applications within the Neighbourhood area. The main aim of the plan is to
· Ensure that development takes place in the most sustainable locations
· Encourage the appropriate types of development that meets local needs
· Protect important buildings and structures of historic and architectural interest
· Protect important local facilities and shops
· Promote high quality design in new developments
· Protect the countryside and the special landscape
· Protect open spaces that are important to the community and the wildlife
The Parish Council are required to review the plan on a yearly basis, it is applicable to 2031.
‘Why do we need the Neighbourhood Plan?’
The vision for the Neighbourhood Plan is:
“Whilst the parish of Gretton is within the Borough of Corby, it still and should retain its distinct and separate rural identity.
There is a cohesive community with social, sporting and leisure opportunities, a school and doctor’s surgery. It is safe to walk, cycle, ride and drive, having good transport links and with security a consideration in all matters of investment.
The built environment will have attractive streets and buildings. Change and development has been sustainable, sympathetic to the history and prevailing architecture; biodiversity, open spaces and landscapes have been carefully managed. There is a mix of house types, tenures and affordability to meet the needs of the community.
Home based businesses and dedicated premises are bringing wealth and employment while not adversely impacting upon the quality of life for residents. Agriculture and land management are actively playing their part in supporting the Plan.
Biodiversity is vibrant, appreciated, protected and enhanced with an integrated understanding of the potential impact of change on habitat. The parish has responded proactively to the implications of climate change.”
Really what this says is that we want to keep the things that make Gretton great and a wonderful place to live and we understand that some development is required but it must be done with the Village in mind.