Gretton Parish Council Parking Guidelines

Advice to the Community on Vehicle Parking


Gretton Parish Council is committed to ensuring the safety and convenience of all residents and visitors in the village. To achieve this, we provide guidance on parking vehicles considerately, following the advice from the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) and relevant UK laws.

Considerate Parking Advice

Parking considerately helps ensure that our village remains safe and accessible for everyone. The following tips are based on RAC advice for considerate parking:


  • Always park as close to the kerb as possible.

  • Ensure there is enough space for other vehicles to pass, including emergency services.

  • Use designated parking spaces where available.

  • Be mindful of pedestrians, ensuring pathways are not blocked.

  • Look out for and adhere to parking signs and road markings.

  • Turn off your engine when parked to reduce noise and pollution.


  • Park on double yellow lines or where there are restrictive signs.

  • Block driveways, dropped kerbs or access points to properties.

  • Park on pavements, as this can obstruct pedestrians, especially those with mobility issues or prams.

  • Leave your vehicle in a position that can cause obstruction to other road users.

  • Park in a way that prevents larger vehicles, such as waste collection or delivery trucks, from passing through.

UK Law on Causing Obstruction of the Highway

According to UK law, causing an obstruction of the highway is a serious offence. The Highway

Code, Rule 242, states that "you MUST NOT leave your vehicle or trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road." Penalties for causing obstruction can include fines and, in severe cases, points on your driving license.

Legal Consequences

  • Fines for parking illegally or causing obstruction.

  • Possible towing of the vehicle if it is causing a significant obstruction.

  • Points on your driving license depending on the severity and recurrence of the offence.


By following these guidelines and being mindful of others, we can all contribute to making Gretton a safer and more pleasant place to live and visit. Thank you for your cooperation.


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