Gretton Parish Council

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14th April 2025

Monday 19:30

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Welcome to Gretton Parish Council Website.

Gretton Parish Council has 9 Councillors serving the local community.  All are volunteers who give their time freely.  They bring a diverse range of business skills and experience with the intention of fairly representing the interests of villagers in addition to protecting the environment and heritage of the village of Gretton.

The Parish Councillors are supported by the Parish Clerk who is a paid employee of the Council.

The Parish Council meets in the committee room of the village hall on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm.  All meetings are open to the public and there is always a section to allow members of the public to speak.

The website is maintained by the Parish Council and I hope that you find it useful.  It provides an introduction to the services and facilities available to residents of the village together with details of the Parish Council's activities and role in the community.  Please feel free to contact the Clerk or any of the Councillors if you have any concerns or wish to draw anything to our attention.

Jacki Lilley, Chairman Gretton Parish Council.

“Our little piece of Northamptonshire”